Thursday, January 31, 2013

Creating a Shared Library in C using GCC

This post is about how to create a shared library in C using the GCC Compiler.
Often we are only used to writing small C programs which might contain small functions, all of which are in the same file. Hence its very easy and straight forward to compile and get it working.

However this is not the case when our program is spread across over in many files. In which case we will have to compile each of them individually and link them together to form a final executable file. So let me walk you through a small example on how to compile a small "Hello World" program which spans across 3 different files.

Let us have 3 files here.
File 1 ==> A Header file (hello.h) which contains the declaration of hello() function
File 2 ==> A source file (hello.c) which contains the implementation of hello() function
File 3 ==> Another source file (main.c) which uses the function hello()

So out task is now here to create the first two files and create a shared library using them so that we can use the function hello() from the shared library in any program then after.

The two files hello.h and hello.c are as shown below:

/* hello.h */

void hello();

/* hello.c */

#include "hello.h"
void hello() {
    printf("\nHellow World!!\n");

Now lets build a shared library after compiling them individually using commands below
gcc -c hello.h
gcc -c hello.c
gcc -Wall -shared -fPIC -o example.c

In the above command we are creating a shared library named
Remember to prefix your library name with "lib" and have an an extension as .so

Now that our shared library is ready, all we are left out with is to create a main.c file where the function hello() is being used and compile and link that file with our shared library.

Here is out main.c file

/* main .c */

int main() {    
    return 0;

Compile it as below
gcc -c main.c

Now to link this main.c with shared library we can use -L and -l options as below
gcc main.c -L . -lhello

In above command "dot" specifies the current directory. If our shared library was in some other directory then we can specify the path using -L option as shown below
gcc main.c -L <shared_lib_location>  -lhello

And -lhello tell gcc to look for a library named

Now that we have compiled and linked our main.c file; we can execute and see the output as below
Hellow World!!

In my next post I shall discuss about make files!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Installing Network Simulator (NS2) on Ubuntu 10.04

This is my blog after quite a long time on how to install NS on Ubuntu 10.04
This works on Ubuntu 10.04. You can experiment for later versions.

I have provided a script which will help you perform all the steps automatically. Simply download the script from here and execute it with root privilege as below. Execute it at your own risk :P
  • sudo su 
  • chmod +x
  • . (find a dot and a space before the file name)


Do execute the commands one by one manually to perform the installation.

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev
  3. Download Net Sim from here
  4. tar -xvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz
  5. for simplicity I am moving the extracted directory to directory named ns2 under home directory
  6. mv ns-allinone-2.35 ~/ns2 
  7. cd ns2/
  8. ./install
  9. Once the installation is done, you will be provided with the following path information
    • PATH
  10. Copy paste the above path information into your .bashrc (find a preceding dot) file as below
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/xyz/ns2/otcl-1.14
    • export TCL_LIBRARY_PATH=$TCL_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/xyz/ns2/tcl8.5.10/library
    • export PATH=$PATH:/home/xyz/ns2/bin:/home/xyz/ns2/tcl8.5.10/unix:/home/xyz/ns2/tk8.5.10/unix
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/xyz/ns2/otcl-1.14:/home/xyz/ns2/lib
    • export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCL_LIBRARY:/home/xyz/ns2/tcl8.5.10/library
  11. Save the .bashrc file and source the file using command below
    •  . .bashrc   (or)   source .bashrc
  12. All done and now test your installation with command below (This is optional. You can skip this step. This step will take some time and performs various tests on your installation and give you results.)
    • /ns2/ns-2.35/validate 
  13. now type ns or nam to start your Net Sim...